This is the highest quality ore in the game and is used to create the highest tier of armor and weapons. A lot of the equipment that requires refined violium is purple as well. The ore is grey with purple veins running through it. Similar to ferozium, refined violium is used for racial armor and weapons. This is part of the Reef armor set for the Hylotl race. For example, you will need 6 refined ferozium to craft the Reef Helm. Racial armor is armor that is specific to your character's race. This ore is used to create rare racial armor. The ore has small green orbs attached to it and is the only ore of this color. It is also used in the Accelerator Addon, which is an upgrade for your replicator that can craft additional long-ranged equipment. This is a green cube used in a variety of rare weapons and armor. When processed at a furnace, aegisalt ore will become refined aegisalt. Found On: Extreme or Inconceivable Level Planets.This ore has a unique oblong shape, with a blue tint.

Durasteel bars are needed to upgrade several stations, in addition to other items. This will take a variety of materials, including durasteel. Throughout the game, you will be able to upgrade different workstations.

If that doesn't work it's likely a port forwarding issue, ensure port 21025 TCP is forwarded.Special ores are not found on every planet and are used to create more complex items, including armor and weapons.
#How to force ship upgrade starbound password#
FIX - Ensure your "assets/default_nfig" has no passwords, and also that you are not attempting to enter a password while connecting. "Client-server connection is no longer valid" error. Quest line currently ends after the first boss, quests are planned to be added in the second phase of the beta. This seems to be a widespread issue regardless of system strength. Game may stutter during rain/alot of monsters/landslides/etc. No griefing/needless destruction of other peoples stuff
#How to force ship upgrade starbound mods#
I will be looking into mods in the future when good ones become available. Game itself is still not optimized, server side lag should be reported in this thread. I'll make these available to anyone who wants them so they can retrieve any items that got stuck on the ground. Auto Restarts Every 90 Minutes (Downtime will be roughly 5 minutes)įuture updates requiring world wipes will be backed up.